Mark A, B, C, or D in the comments to indicate your change for the following paragraph:
1] As a child, I always yearned for a pet of my own. 2] Specifically, I wanted a dog. 3] We had a family dog in my formative years, one who was loyal, playful, and sweet; and I loved him dearly. 4] But he was a family pet, belonging to and equally loyal to all of us. 5] I wanted a special bond with a dog that was all mine’ and no one elses. 6] A dog that was loyal to me above all else.
A. No Change
B. We had a family dog in my formative years, one who was loyal, playful, and sweet, I loved him dearly.
C. We had a family dog in my formative years, one who was loyal, playful, and sweet, and I loved him dearly.
D. We had a family dog in my formative years, one who was loyal, playful, and sweet and I loved him dearly.